Collaborative Stories for the Collective Imagination

Story Prompts

July 2024

Every month, we release new story prompts to help you launch your next collaborative fiction journey. This month’s theme: Donkey


The intelligence of donkeys allows them to be one of the few animals that can survive in Death Valley, where temperatures top 120 degrees in the summer. Write the diary of a Death Valley park ranger who begins to record the everyday life of a most unusual donkey.

• Contributed by Switch-Lit

Inspired by the 17th century French fairy tale and 1970s cult film "Donkey Skin", imagine (and write) the tales of taboo love encountered by a young middle-class woman who happens to own a jacket made of donkey fur.

• Contributed by Switch-Lit

Craft a timely and political parable about a desperate family that must choose between two remaining animals – a forgetful donkey or a dishonest elephant – in order to save the farm.

• Contributed by Switch-Lit

In the Bible, narrative turning points were often marked by the presence of donkeys. Imagine (and write) the conversations, moments, and possible relationship between Jesus and his donkey riding alone over the course of a single trip.

• Contributed by Switch-Lit

Paint a surreal and poetic portrait of Mexico City that flows from the perspective of a new resident, involves a wounded donkey, and begins in a cafe.

• Contributed by Switch-Lit

You can also continue without a prompt and start a story on your own.

Start without a prompt